Contact Beyond Contact

A dance and healing journey



​Contact Beyond Contact

Contact Beyond Contact (CBC), is a dance and healing practice originally created by Vangelis Legakis, the founder and artistic director of Unity Space – an Arts and Healing Organization based in Hong Kong. CBC is an accumulation of Vangelis’ wealth of experience and research into different movement practices and healing modalities.

Contact Beyond Contact (CBC) is a dance and healing practice that integrates Authentic Movement (AM), Contact Improvisation (CI) and Passing Through (PT) with profound practices of qigong, yoga, healing modalities and energy work, mindfulness and leadership skills, proprioceptive and exteroceptive senses, somatics and principles of behaviorism, as well as the philosophies of Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism. These practices are well-woven together to create a holistic integration of the Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit.
The facilitator’s main focus in this practice is to hold space by creating a safe-boundaries-environment in which people can integrate, transform and heal in body, mind, heart and spirit.CBC provides a safe container where each individual is able to express, trust and transform by honouring their personal boundaries and the boundaries of others. This practice will allow you to genuinely, energetically connect with yourself, an-other, the space you are working in and with nature; the world beyond the means of physical contact.

The integration of the diverse practices and philosophies have created the Contact Beyond Contact; a holistic and multifaceted practice that unites dance and healing. It is an amalgamation of profound disciplines that in its core value brings a holistic understanding and embodiment to people of all cultural backgrounds, ethnicities, professions, genre and ages. Moreover, it is a practice that focus on how to genuinely hold space, create a safe practice/work environment, as well as lead a group of people to a journey for healing and transformation.We refer to as “healing” the homeostatic state of fine-tuned and integrated harmony of all ‘bodies’ of the human being, what in Greek is called Soma. This integration creates healthy and holistic relationships with oneself, with an-other, with communities and the world.

Who are CBC sessions for?

CBC sessions are open to all – whether you are an experienced dance practitioner/ healer or a complete beginner to dance, holistic and spiritual practices – CBC welcomes you to experience and practice. The sessions offer you a non-judgmental space to discover and deepen your relationship within yourself, with others and the world around you. The skills and tools are all inclusive and take each individual into account, making it a practice available for all bodies and people of varying professional, cultural and religious backgrounds. 

 Facilitators Training Course

Dance is a social and integrative practice that connects people. We are passionate about dance and endorse dance as an accessible healing practice for all. We believe that everybody can dance and that everybody has the capacity to facilitate a dance and healing session. 

Contact Beyond Contact | Facilitators Training Course (CBC| FTC) is a course through which you will become a capable facilitator to genuinely hold space for others and create safe environments of transformation and healing. CBC|FTC is a certification course, designed to train new facilitators to spread Contact Beyond Contact dance and healing practice in their communities; to schools, universities, community centres, studios, festivals and to the world.

We endeavor to share and teach the practice to people who have a genuine interest in the above practices and modalities, with an intention to bring unity, love and a holistic well-being to the world.

To offer the best practice and experience we have devised four levels, from foundations, intermediate, advanced and the final level, which we certify a Teachers Training Course. Already after completing the CBC | FTC Level 1, you will be capable to share and facilitate a CBC session by including the psychosocial benefits of the practice. You will also learn how to work in solos, partners and groups so as to be able to focus your sessions according to the group of participants you will have.

Today, the 68 CBC facilitators we trained in 2019 are spreading the practice in Chicago, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Barcelona, Murcia, Berlin, London, Karlsruhe, Prague, Vsetin, Decin, Rotterdam, Singapore, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Chiang Mai, Bali, Melbourne, and Auckland. And More destinations coming up!

During the course, you will receive and learn:

For your life:

  • Training in Dance Techniques, Somatics, Embodiment, Energy work and expressivity through movement.

  • Empowerment in who you are and confidence in sharing your gifts to the world.

  • Training in Transpersonal Leadership, facilitation, holding space and compassion for group and collective work.

  • Yoga, Qigong, Thai & Abdominal Massage, Craniosacral, Family Constellation and many other healing modalities.

  • Four interpersonal behavior values for building constructive relationships and clear career paths.

  • Buddhist, Taoist and Hindu philosophies.Experience in leading, opening and closing sessions with rituals for specific purposes of your event.

From the course:

  • A manual, a certificate and up to 3 hours of one-to-one post course care. (Hours may vary for each levels)

  • Training in different CBC exercise tools that you can use for your future sessions, and tips for creating music playlists that weave together sound journeys for your participants.

  • Access to CBC Music playlists designed specifically for any sessions you wish to build.

  • Subscription to our online Contact Beyond Contact | FTC Private Group, connecting you with other CBC peers and support on your journey.

  • Registration to our online CBC Facilitators Data Base on our Unity Space Education website, where your profile will be shown and can promote and advertise your upcoming CBC sessions online. (Optional)




Pricing does not include room and board.

Contact Randi to Register!